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BOARD MEMBERS - Must be a member in good standing for 2 years. Board Members have voting authority on any voting topics presented to the Board.
OFFICERS- An officer is a non-voting position and must be a member in good standing for 1 year.  They are expected to attend Board meetings (unless otherwise stated) and provide input.

This position is responsible for taking notes and transcribing minutes into proper form, submitting them to Board members for review/correction, and issuing them in formal form. The Secretary is responsible for keeping all the Krewe’s permanent records, including approved minutes, the bylaws, tax returns, and other business documents. This person must listen well when several people are speaking, take notes, identify all members visually at board meetings, and record votes. The Secretary must have the ability to communicate with the Board and general membership. They must desire to function as part of a team, communicate well, and act within reason and discretion. Must have computer skills and strong knowledge of MSWord and MS Excel. The Secretary must be a member in good standing for a minimum of 2 years. The Secretary may only serve in this position for a term of 2 consecutive years.

This position is responsible for coordinating all social events for the Krewes. The Social Officer will work closely with the Captain, Corresponding Secretary, and the Membership Director to ensure social events are coordinated to recruit new members and engage existing Krewes members. This position will also
work with the Merchandising Officer to ensure corresponding event merchandise and with the Fundraising/Philanthropy Officer to incorporate those efforts with the social events. This position will organize the annual membership meeting, catering for bead-drops and parades, parade after parties, holiday and end of the year parties, and other fun events. They will help organize transportation for parades as needed. In addition, this position will work closely with the Treasurer to ensure the financial needs of the event are covered, such as selling tickets and paying vendors. Ideally, this position would recruit members to serve on event committees for larger events. This position must be creative and work with other krewes and businesses to build events to help socialize and bring further awareness to our Krewe. This position must desire to function as part of a team, communicate well, and act within reason and discretion. This position should attend Inner Krewes Council meetings to promote our Krewe events and share other events with our Krewe. This person must have computer skills, a strong knowledge of MSWord and MS Excel, an ability to operate email, a strong understanding of social media, and an active Facebook account. This position is expected to attend board meetings, get approval for activities, and report on events. This position carries a high degree of responsibility during Parade season. They must be prepared to spend up to 4 hours per week during parade months. They must be prepared to attend all activities developed by this position or assign a designated point of contact who can attend and run the event.

This position is responsible for all fundraising for the Krewe and its selected charities and coordinating community service events. Regarding Krewe’s fundraising, this position will work with the Social Officer to ensure various fundraising opportunities for the Krewe members at events. This could include basket sales, raffles, 50/50, etc., to raise money for Krewe’s special projects, such as float upgrades. They will also work to seek potential sponsors and work with them directly to ensure the correct paperwork is completed. They will also work with the appropriate officers to ensure the sponsors receive their benefits and the proper advertising. Regarding philanthropy work, they will work closely with the Captain to identify charities that the Krewe wants to support. They will organize collections for our charities, such as food and toy drives. They will look for opportunities for our krewes to provide community service and participate in events that support local not-for-profits or schools in the Tampa Bay Area. They must be creative and willing to contact partners for these efforts. They must desire to function as part of a team, communicate well, and act within reason and discretion. They must have computer skills, strong knowledge of MSWord and MS Excel, email operations, a strong understanding of social media, and an active Facebook account. This position is expected to attend board meetings, get approval for activities, and report on events. This position carries a high degree of responsibility during Parade season. They must be prepared to attend all activities developed by this position or assign a designated point of contact who can attend and run the event.

The Ship Mate Officer is responsible for all needs of the Krewe’s 3 Ships (floats). They are responsible for ensuring the floats are safe and in good working order. They must inspect the ships and recommend to the Board for future repairs or maintenance so expenses can be added to the budget or a fundraising event can be created to support the cost. Working with the Captain, this position must schedule and coordinate member participation in float preparation days. The Ship mate must meet and prep the float before departing on parade days. This position will involve working with the security officer to help stock all beverages. They must also stock and prepare the ships with items needed at necessary levels (including ice) to ensure they are ready to sail before each parade. This position will oversee and direct the Deck Hand positions, which are responsible for the individual needs of one float at each parade and repairs and maintenance during the year. This position is also responsible for the coordination of float cleanups the day after each parade and ensuring that at the end of parade season, the ships are cleaned and stored appropriately. The Ship Mate may designate those assignments to the Deck Hands as needed. The Ship Mate Officer must desire to function as part of a team, communicate well, and act within reason and discretion. This position is expected to attend Board meetings and report on activities and needs. This person must be handy and have general maintenance knowledge such as carpentry, electrical, etc. This position carries a high degree of responsibility during Parade season. They must be prepared to spend 2-4 hours pre and post each parade as well as designated days to ensure the ships are ready to set sail.

The Board seeks three Deck Hands to assist the Krewe and help manage the ships. The Deck Hands will take direction from the Ship Mate Officer on needed maintenance and repairs for the Krewe’s 3 ships (floats). They will be expected to assist in preparing the ships for the parade season by assisting with repairs, maintenance, and enhancements to the vessels. Under the direction of the Shipmate, immediately before and during each parade, each Deck Hand will be assigned to one of the ships to ensure libations, ice, and other krewe needs are stocked and ready. When ships arrive at the port of entry for the parade (staging), they will prepare the floats for boarding. Just prior to the beginning of the parade, they will ensure the ships are ready for departure. Once the parade is complete, they can assist security in ensuring the float is disbanded and ready for travel. They may be assigned to run a float cleanup the morning after the parade. If assigned, they will ensure that all cleanup duties have been assigned and completed to satisfaction. Deck Hands may attend Krewe Board meetings if necessary but are not required. The deck hands must be handy and have general maintenance knowledge in carpentry, electrical, etc. These positions will carry a degree of responsibility during Parade season. They must be prepared to spend 2-4 hours pre and post each parade and designated days to ensure the ships are safe, stocked, and ready to set sail.

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